Monday, March 24, 2008

Saturday 22nd March Jam

This jam was particulary good i think, i found myself doing a lot of things with the new guys, they worked really hard and although they could use a bit of focus attention they did well on the physical eliments. I arrived early as usual and was training on my own for a few hours before the new guys turned up and then my fellow practitioner joined me in teaching these new guys a few thigns they had to know before really getting into training, it was a bit harder than i thought, i have to research more and find a better source for use in training plans.

But for me personally i found that i understand more about parkour and why i am doing it, at first i was doing it because it was a new thing and looked really good, but now i know im doing it for teach myself what dedication and the strive for progression can do for me, i have found my meaning in parkour, i understand a lot more and have read and listened to a lot more points of view rather than of those who have a set opinion. In this my training has been lagging, taking some time from trainng i have only been training once a week and that is at the GPK jams, but with this once a week training, i feel the effects very quickly of my progression and i know what i have to do to push myself, never to say cant, but never push myself into something i cant deal with at that point in time. I now plan to train more often and more efficient, with more understanding of conditioning.

I have the best respect for the guy who has impacted me the most, to him i hold great thanks, at the time i didnt know what he was doing but now after that short time i know why he was pushing me, why he put that little confidence in me and i owe him thanks, because its after all that time that i have now realised what i have to put in.

I am one of the most inexperienced traceurs in GPK untill recently after a lot of newcomers, and if i dont start soon, i may never get to the highest potential i have, and its upto me to get it out.

At the moment i am still training once a week and will stick to this untill i have found my own regime to help with my training. For so long i have concentrated on technique and have come forward a bit, but not much, and i never understood why i wasn't progressing like anyone else, but now i know, and i plan to bring myself to become stronger and more confident in things i wish to accomplish.


TraceurZeno said...

Good to hear that you are pushing yourself Joe, and have the hunger to improving your abilities bro!

You have us for support but you have a good spirit which will help you too.

Always focus on your weak points in your training and do what ever you can to make them strong!


traceurchrisgrant said...

great post,
I'm Glad you are starting to understand the work, and understand your journey.
Staurday was very good - nice to see you sharing and sorry I didnt speak much, I had my head down in training!


Traceur Joe said...

It's great to see comments like that from you guys thanks a lot.

I'm not bothered about you not talking much Grant, i took more notice of you keeping your head down for your own training and that made me think even more about focus, i respect that the guys as experienced as you although love to constantly share must have their own training days to themselves sometimes.

thanks again guys